1. Introduction

A great nation is one who honors her heroes. The great nation of Indonesia will celebrate 100th anniversary of General Soedirman, one of the most celebrated national heroes. He was very instrumental in his struggle to defend the nation’s independence. General Soedirman will be remembered for his valor during the revolutionary period for our beloved nation by the amateur radio community as well. To commemorate General Soedirman 100th anniversary coupled with 71st year of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, we will issue Soedirman Award.

  1. Rules
    • .1 Validity of contact
  • Soedirman Award is issued to Radio Amateurs and SWL worldwide that can made 2-way contacts / heards in HF bands (160m – 10m) including WARC bands. 
  • Only contact between 1 and 31 August 2016 count for this award..
  • Repeater, satellite, eQSO, Echolink or other relay methods are NOT permitted.
  • Applicants must have made the QSOs /HRDs from same DXCC Entity.
    –  Radio Amateurs in Indonesia should make contacts with 20 stations in :
    Province Jawa Tengah (Call Area 2, suffix A-T, AA-TZ, ZA-ZT, AAA-TZZ, ZAA-ZTZ)
    b.Special District Yogyakarta (Call Area 2, suffix U-Y, UA-YZ, ZU-ZZ, UAA-YZZ, ZUA-ZZZ)
    c.Province Jawa Timur (Call Area 3, all suffix)
    with minimum 1 contact with each provinces/special district above. General Soedirman guerrilla war in those 3 provinces/special district in 1949.
  • –  Radio Amateurs in other country (DX) is similar with above, but only 10 contacts are required.
  • –  Domestic and foreign operators operating portable such as YB3MM/2 or YB3/W2FB are also valid
    • .2 Award
  • Soedirman Award is issued in the Mixed Band and Mixed Mode only.
  • Soedirman Award is issued in PDF or JPG format, and will be sent by email.
  1. Procedures
    • .1 QSO crediting
  • Proof of contact such as QSL card, LoTW etc are not necessary. Award application based solely on contact withhonor system and sportsmanship conduct.
  • Award application should submit the list of QSOs, consist of callsigns, date, time in UTC, band, mode and report both ways.
    • .2 Application and fee
  • Please send the application via e-mail to Award Manager
  • Stephan Busono W2FB (for DX)
    E-mail: sbusono(at)gmail.com
  • Adhi Widodo YB3MM (For DX and Indonesia)
    E-mail: yb3mm(at)mdxc.org
  • For applicants without computer or internet connection, please send to Award Manager through mail
  • Adhi Widodo YB3MM
    PO Box 6, Pandaan 67156 Indonesia
  • Soedirman Award is free. If requesting paper award, please enclose stamp Rp. 15,000 (Indonesia) or 3 IRC (DX). Please do NOT enclose any banknotes.
    – Special Pin. Soedirman Award Commemorative pin is also offered for a nominal fee to all successful applicants. Please contact Award Manager via email.
    • .3 Publication
  • If there is an uncertainty of a contact or if the validity of a contact is in question, the final decision will be taken after a consultation between the Award Manager and Administrator of ORARI Central Java District
    – Applicants hereby authorize the publication of his/her callsign and name related to this Award on internet or other social media

4. Pin Design